Saturday 27 October 2012

20th - 27th October 2012

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Brighton News

20th - 27th October 2012
Each week we will repost and compare the past week's news and views from a diverse range of sources. 

Argus Report on Brighton's Poverty Crisis

Popular mainstream Brighton rag, The Argus have produced the latest report on Brighton & Hove's poverty crisis. 

48 homelessness agencies in the city are struggling to cope with unprecedented demand for food and shelter as temperatures drop. 

Brighton & Hove council reckon there are 37 rough sleepers in the city. Antifreeze say the number is about three times higher, according to research conducted by 10 agencies on a single night. 

All this, in spite of Brighton Housing Trust being awarded £250, 000 odd towards the "No second night out" initiative back in January.

Many of Mike Weatherley's displaced squatters are also now sleeping rough. At the time, Mike said it was insulting to "compare rough sleepers with squatters". The link between these two vulnerable groups is now undeniably self-evident.


Protests Over Cuts to Brighton & Hove Care Homes, or Bus Routes?

Tory Woodingdean Ward Councillor, Dee Simson successfully conflates the issue of care home closures with the provision of bus routes... Brighton & Hove City Council are closing two care homes and cutting the 52 bus route, which further isolates yet more of the most vulnerable people in our community.


CCTV Snoop Poop Scoop Law & £1K Fines To Extend Throughout Sussex 

Introduced in Brighton & Hove in 2009, the controversial snooping bye-law is now being extended to extract wealth from dogwalkers throughout Sussex.

Meanwhile, even the BBC has this week described the Government's draft communications bill as "leading to a police state"...

Find out more about the looming surveillance state and join the campaign to defend our civil liberties at


Caroline Lucas Urges Government to Abandon Badger Cull

Brighton Green MP, Caroline Lucas has called on the government to abandon it's plans to massacre the country's badgers.

Brighton Tory MP, Simon Kirby says she was right about EU Parliamentary meetings in Strasbourg being too costly and carbon intensive. He doesn't mention the badgers.


Worthing Council Blow £20K on iPads, Cut Budget for Public Spaces


Cannabis Grown in Every Street in Brighton? 

Shock horror! Not in Brighton, surely?

Earlier this year, Green Councillor Ben Duncan called for cannabis to be decriminalised in the city.

Is a commonsense drugs policy on the horizon or would that be naive optimism?



600 Brightonians fill Trades Council Train to Mass Demonstration in London

Thanks to the TUC, who organised transport for at least 600 Brightonians to join a few hundred thousand people marching in unity on the streets of London, against government cuts to just about everything.

National News:  

DPAC Brings London to a Standstill (Again)

Disabled People Against the Cuts locked and glued their wheelchairs together, blocking Marble Arch during the mass demonstration in London last Saturday.  




Parliamentary Paedo Ring Exposed

MP Tom Watson has called for an inquiry to examine evidence that a powerful paedophile ring has close ties to number 10 and Parliament.

Mr Watson said the police should re-examine the file relating to Peter Righton, who was convicted in 1992 of importing child pornography from Holland.

"The evidence file used to convict Peter Righton, if it still exists, contains clear intelligence of a widespread paedophile ring," he said.

Two-faced Hunt

"Health Secretary" Jeremy Hunt visited Norfolk's Dementia Care Unit last Friday, singing the praises of mental health care workers there. 
The same day, he posted notifications to 500 of these frontline NHS workers that they would be losing their jobs. 

Hunt proceeded to give an interview to itv, outlining his ambition to "make England the best place in Europe to grow old"...


 Lord Bichard: "Retired Should Work for Their Pensions"

Former head of the Benefits Agency Lord Bichard has suggested retired people should be encouraged to undertake community service – or have their pensions docked.

Dot Gibson, general secretary of the National Pensioners Convention, said: “This amounts to little more than national service for the over-60s and is absolutely outrageous".


£75m Hedge Fund Raping NHS

New £75m Hedge Fund to charge £25 for hearing tests on a day when 40% of NHS Trusts make cuts to hearing services. Cherie Blair is a 10% shareholder of the £75 million Allele Equity Fund

Many donors linked to Tory Party.

The first privatised NHS hospital to officially go into the red is £4m in debt. Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Cambrigeshire was the first hospital to be privatised in the UK back in January. It's losses have doubled in the last 10 months.

NB the word "Allelle" means "one member of a pair of genes"...


PM Dave Cameron to be "Investigated" by Toothless Agency

In a debate with that other bloke from the Labour Party, Dave hinted that the UK's economic growth figures might be good, before they were published. 

The UK Statistics Authority said it had received several queries about the appropriateness of the Prime Minister's words, adding: "We are going to look into it".

We imagine wysteria Dave is soiling his underwear,...not.






Starbucks Pay no Tax in the UK

Notoriously having built a branch on St James' St without planning permission, starbucks haven't paid tax in the UK since 2009.

If you've been paying attention to UK Uncut, you might have noticed that they're all at it.

International News:

Assange Health Concerns?

The Ecuadorian embassy is concerned for Julian Assange's health. Voice of Russia radio quoted vice foreign minister Marco Albuja Martinez as saying "Assange has grown noticeably thinner" in comments confirmed by the Ecuadorean embassy in Moscow.


Exxonmobil Executive Shot Dead in Belgium

Nicholas Mockford, 60, an ExxonMobil executive from Chichester, was gunned down as he left an Italian restaurant in a suburb of the Belgian capital Brussels.

The View From America:

Presidential Debates Rigged (Again)

You may already be aware that the US presidential debates are rigged. They have to be, or it would be too obvious that the two main parties represent the same interests.



Green Party Candidates, Anarchists and "Preppers" Arrested in US Crackdown


Mind and Body with Soul
Saturday 27th -28th October
10am The Sussex County Cricket Ground

SmashEDO Halloween Demonstration
Wednesday 31st October
4-6pm EDO MBM Factory, Home Farm Ind. Est - Brighton  

Stop the Cuts Organising Meeting
Thursday 1st November
7:30pm King and Queen

Occupy Brighton Media Working Group Meeting
Sunday 4th November
12pm The Blind Tiger Club

Occupy Brighton Homelessness Working Group Meeting
Sunday 4th November
3pm The Blind Tiger Club

Trades Union Council
Wednesday 10th November
8pm King and Queen

Brighton Meditation Mob For Tolerance
Friday November 16th
5.30pm - Madeira Drive

Brighton Reclaim the Night
Saturday November 17th
Final Details TBC – check

Buy Nothing Day (UK)
Saturday November 24th
All day - Everywhere in the UK

Public Google Calender for Brighton Based Events/Meetings. email your goings on to:  

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant stuff. Looking forward to the next one!! :)
