Saturday 3 November 2012

27th October - 3rd November 2012

     Get involved: send us your news, views, pictures and video

Brighton News

27th October - 3rd November 2012
Each week we will repost and compare the past week's news and views from a diverse range of sources.

Brighton Council Cuts Double

Schools, bin collections and libraries could all be in the firing line after forecasts for council cuts nearly doubled in a matter of days. A similar picture is reflected around the UK.




Hopeful Plan or Market Scam?

Brighton residents are raising £200, 000 to buy the community hall in Exeter St after St Luke's Church were forced put it on the market.

Is this another example of the market "socialising the losses"?


Local Arms Factory Haunted

Anti-militarist group, smashEDO's annual halloween demonstration was angry and noisy. smashEDO have been campaigning against EDO-MBM's factory in Home Farm Rd, Brighton for 8 years now, causing the factory much bother - if you would like to see Brighton & Hove reinstated as a peace messenger City (which we were before EDO set up shop here) please support this campaign.

SmashEDO have a fundraising Sunday roast at the Cowley Club, November 18th, 2-5pm.


Drinking Problems on The Rise

Hospital admissions for alcohol specific illnesses are up 15% across Sussex. Sicknesses including liver disease, strokes and high blood pressure. Hove MP, Mike Weatherley has responded by calling to scrap hikes in the price of beer. A populist move, which endorses our nation's culture of alcoholism and empowers nobody but the market. The Occupied Argus wonder how the increase in drinking relates to the apparent increase in violent crime...


Brighton Puts the "T" in LGBT

"No more Mr & Mrs".


National News:

No Dash For Gas Activists Put Their Lives on the Line 

Early on Monday 29th October, sixteen people scaled the chimneys of West Burton gas-fired power station, shutting it down and halting further construction.

They're still there, in high winds risking everything to make their point.




Bank of England: "Occupy Were Right"

Are the banksters pretending to wake up? :/




Stuart Rodger Sentenced For Shouting At Dave

100 hours community service for shouting "no ifs, no buts, no public sector cuts".

One in Five UK Workers Don't Make a Living Wage

The Government seems to want corporations and businesses to foot the bill for worker subsistence, rather than actually raise the legally required minimum wage.

(BBC) - One in Five Workers Struggling
(the Independant) - 5m On Less Than The Living Wage
(The Argus) - Living in Hope of a Living Wage


Government Announces Recession is Over. Really?

hmm...classic doublespeak, when dave said "the Tories aren't the party of the better off".


Tories Sell NHS Land to Their Own Donors

The Tories have put 5.5 million square metres of NHS land up for sale at 348 locations. The largest of these, 580,000 square metres of NHS land in Colchester, Essex, is being sold to a property developer who donated over £1 million to the Tories.


International News:

Anonymous Take Down 89 Child Porn Sites

Takedowns attributed to PrOtOn_An0n. Arrests likely to follow. :)






Western Media Blackout on Iceland's Economic Revolution

Still no mainstream headlies...lots on alternative media channels though :)





Contentious Chinese-Canadian Tar Sands Deal

FIPPA is the Canada-China Foreign Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement - which protect "investors" from human rights and environmental laws for 31 years.

Avaaz have a petition you can sign.


Occupy Brighton Media Working Group Meeting
Sunday 4th November
12pm The Blind Tiger Club

Occupy Brighton Homelessness Working Group Meeting
Sunday 4th November
3pm The Blind Tiger Club

Defend the NHS General Meeting
Tuesday 6th November
King & Queen 6.30pm

SWP- Open Meeting
Wednesday 7th November
Friend's Meeting House 7.30pm
Trades Union Council
Wednesday 14th November
8pm King and Queen
Brighton Meditation Mob For Tolerance
Friday November 16th
5.30pm - Madeira Drive

Brighton Reclaim the Night
Saturday November 17th
Meet 6pm at the Station

SmashEDO Fundraising Sunday Roast
Sunday November 18th
2pm - 5pm, The Cowley Club

Buy Nothing Day (UK)
Saturday November 24th
All day - Everywhere in the UK

Public Google Calender for Brighton Based Events/Meetings. email your goings on to:  

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