Friday 16 November 2012

10th - 17th November 2012

     Get involved: send us your news, views, pictures and video

Brighton News

10th-17th November

Well it was a good little run of regular editions, but the Occupied Argus has really struggled to keep up this past fortnight. Our attention has been diverted by the Homelessness Working Group and the pace of current events, locally, nationally and internationally. You can read how last week's edition ended up below.

For the time being we are unfortunately going to have to scale back the depth of RP/analysis/reportage.
Apologies to all our subscribers and supporters. We will still be maintaining the calendar and producing operational updates as frequently as is necessary/possible.If any Occupy supporters are interested in taking the reigns of this project, or picking up some of the slack on it, please get in touch.

Bear with us - we're not going anywhere!

What's Happening Now Then?
There is an emergency demo in solidarity with Gaza today, 12pm @Victoria Gardens - smashEDO and other Palestinian Solidarity Groups will be in attendance.

Emergency Gaza Demo
Saturday November 17th
Meet Victoria Gardens 12pm, then on to

Picket SodaStream
Saturday November 17th 
Western Rd - 1pm

There is also an anti-workfare picket organised by Brighton Benefits Campaign going on at the same time:

Picket Workfare:Superdrug
Saturday November 17th
London Rd - 12pm

Then in the evening, there's

Brighton Reclaim the Night
Saturday November 17th
Meet 6pm at the Station

SmashEDO Fundraising Sunday Roast
Sunday November 18th
2pm - 5pm, The Cowley Club

What's Coming Up:

We will be performing some anti-commercial christmas carols in churchill sq shopping centre for:

International Buy Nothing Day
Saturday November 24th
All day - Everywhere.


National Day of Action Against Workfare
Saturday November 24th
All day - Everywhere in the UK

The Homelessness Working Group have been working towards the formation of a multi-agency taskforce to grapple with the City's most pressing local issue. You can add your thoughts, feelings and ideas to the agenda here:

Ending Homelessness Conference
TBC Tuesday 27th or Thursday November 29th, 5.30pm-7.30pm
Brighton Town Hall

Media WG - Weatherley's Law Video Project
The Media Working Group plan to film questions for Mike Weatherley pertaining to his new anti-squatting law. After witnessing firsthand the righteous anger of the squatting community, @Sussex Uni, the media group feel this debate needs to be had and it needs to be had urgently. The intention is to facilitate that debate in a fair, free for all forum "at arm's length" in the form of "to camera" interviews.

If anybody is interested in getting involved, or just wants to try to ask Mr Weatherley a question in a public forum, please get in touch.


Occupy Bath are Back! :)
Camp re-established this weekend.

Gaza :(

Everywhere else still :(

Public Google Calender for Brighton Based Events/Meetings. email your goings on to:  

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