Saturday 3 November 2012

3rd - 10th November 2012

     Get involved: send us your news, views, pictures and video

Brighton News

3rd - 10th November 2012
Each week we will repost and compare the past week's news and views from a diverse range of sources.


Emergency Conference to End Homelessness

Occupy Brighton's Homelessness Working Group are hosting an emergency conference:

"Ending Homelessness in Brighton & Hove"
We hope to bring our community together to form a task force focused on getting homeless people sheltered this winter and beyond.

Monday 12th November, 2pm 

@The Blind Tiger Club Brighton.

 The conference is open for all to attend.

See the full invitation, proposed agenda & get involved at


Ethnic Cleansing in London

Local authorities are shifting the plebs out of the City to various locations around the country. This "in defiance" of toothless ministerial "demands" that people should be housed locally.

Dave Defends Dodgy Dictator Deals

Not surprising, but good to have some background data from Constantine Report confirming everybody's suspicions about our multimillionaire arms dealing PM's actual ideology:fascism.

This week, Dave offered to arrange "safe passage" for Syria's genocidal president, Bashar al-Assad. The head of Human Rights Watch said offering immunity to Assad would give him a licence to kill (more of) his opponents.

Dave has restricted access to all journalists (except for the BBC's Frank Gardner), during his current arms dealing trip in the middle-east .

Alan Moore Releases Anonymous/Occupy Single

As well as hosting the exclusive premiere of Moore's track, NME has an "extra-special competition with prizes that supporters of Occupy and Anonymous – or fans of V For Vendetta will not want to miss".

The Occupied Argus will be checking tomorrow for details of how to enter...







Anonymous Bonfire Night: Protests & Hacks

"Trending" quote from the Vice article:
"It’s been said that Parliament is a kind of theatre, one in which the British establishment put on a democratic charade by taking the piss out of each other’s haircuts while agreeing with each other on the big issues – the old ideological battles between left and right being a thing of the past. If that’s true, then it’s mirrored in the UK's current protest scene. It’s basically a pantomime where everyone assumes a role, hams it up and then goes home to prepare for the next performance."


Occupy Brighton Media Working Group Meeting
Sunday 4th November
12pm The Blind Tiger Club

Occupy Brighton Homelessness Working Group Meeting
Sunday 4th November
3pm The Blind Tiger Club

Defend the NHS General Meeting
Tuesday 6th November
6.30pm King & Queen

SWP- Open Meeting
Wednesday 7th November
7.30pm Friend's Meeting House

Ending Homelessness Conference 
Wednesday 12th November
2pm The Blind Tiger Club 
Trades Union Council
Wednesday 14th November
8pm King and Queen
Brighton Meditation Mob For Tolerance
Friday November 16th
5.30pm - Madeira Drive

Brighton Reclaim the Night
Saturday November 17th
Meet 6pm at the Station

SmashEDO Fundraising Sunday Roast
Sunday November 18th
2pm - 5pm, The Cowley Club

Buy Nothing Day (UK)
Saturday November 24th
All day - Everywhere in the UK

National Anti-Welfare Reforms Demo
Saturday November 24th
All day - Everywhere in the UK 
(The Analogical) - Stand up and be counted (video)

Public Google Calender for Brighton Based Events/Meetings. email your goings on to: reoccupybrighton (at)  

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